Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Hypnotised by Insomnia

Hypnotised by insomnia

begging for relief

for mind numbing boredom

to end this mischief

of the mind

a mind gone wrong,

racing out of time,

moving quickly along

As I fail to sleep,

weeping in frustration

disbelief at awareness

numb, weary sensations

knowing the sleep debt

will be paid some day

tomorrow already today

awake I stay

1 comment:

Berteena said...

Insomnia ~ or sleeping for days... never knowing when I can make plans from one day to the next. It's always we'll see... It gets to a point your body resist any medicine docs throw at us. It's a never ending story... our perpetual poem conductor.
Lovely poetry! Sleep tight!!! Mariposa~


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