Sunday 12 February 2012

The Loss

How it all goes,
hasn't changed that much
the way it all goes,
though I feel the loss
all the time
in how it all goes,
I feel the loss
in the loss of you.
I feel the loss
where there is no loss,
in the loss of you,
in how it all goes,
though it hasn't changed much,
as to how it all goes
the way it all goes
despite the loss of you.
If I could change one thing
only one thing
about how it all goes
the way it all goes,
I would change
the loss of you,
so I would not have
this loss of you,
in how it all goes
the way it all goes,
don't want to know
this loss of you,
as everything goes,
the way it all goes,
however it goes,
the way it goes,
want so much
to know
this is not the loss of you
in how it all goes,
the way it goes.


joy pachowicz (DoraJacina) said...

Dear Jan, wouldn't it be wonderful if we could undo some of our losses much pain would we be able to save ourselves from ..But we cannot so we have to discover how we will go on without those we so miss are very gifted .. your poetry is sincere.. and heartfelt.. Am here with an open ear. Always though not near.. peace and namaste.. joy

Anonymous said...

Through the storm I called out to the sea,
I thought I'd seen a friend there that had heard my frantic plea,
But 2 my dismay it was just a ghost, a ghost that held a key,
If it weren't a ghost but a person he would truly see that I look up to thee.
Just the thought of standing before him, makes me shiver helplessly
you see I feel he has authority, the most I've ever seen.
Through the storm I called out to the sea, only to have it laugh back at me.
I understand u sea, u really don't believe in me.
I understand u sea, but please don't laugh at me u sea because I love thee.

Anonymous said... passes...dont push the waves of pain them..they pass...happiness passes...loss is a sublime undercurrent that can live forever...pain is temporary


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