Monday 27 February 2012

Prisoner of the Past

Last week I was asked my by friend Dorian (@lessonsinbroken) to write a guest post for his own blog. I was honoured as the more people who read and understand about the effects of childhood sexual abuse the more chance is that they will be more vigilant in the future. The subject of male childhood sexual abuse still carries a stigma and few are prepared to stand up and talk about it. This must change in order that we may educate adults about the steps they can take to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse. There is no shame in being the victim, the survivor. There is life after abuse. There is life after rape. It's up to us to ensure this life is filled with love and support and not merely an existence.

Prisoner of the past

Life behind invisible bars
No-one to let me out
Who is there to listen
No-one hears me shout.

I climbed the heights of insanity,
Almost drowned in a sea of despair
Imprisoned by childhood terrors
Live or die, I just didn't care

Used to wish for a window,
To slip through and fly away,
Freedom forever out of grasp,
For their sins I had to pay.

Prison walls built by a society,
Not even trying to understand
An eternity of pain in one lifetime
Shame stamped with a burning brand.

You ask how I've got this far,
With a slow fuse burning inside?
I did whatever I had to do,
Kept the secrets, played the ride.

Locked it all up inside me,
My own prison, my own hell.
One day soon it'll all come out,
From highest rooftops I will yell!

Original post here Lessons In Brokeness

Jan Frayne is a writer, a poet and a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. His first book, "Beyond Survivor" is to be released early summer 2012. He lives in Wales, in the U.K and has travelled extensively. He writes from the deepest corners of his heart and soul of the pain of the past and also of love in all it's forms. Having the internationally renowned poet and playwright Dylan Thomas in his ancestry has been an inspiration for him to bring the pain and suffering of dealing with sexual abuse out of the shadows. His goal is to empower all victims of childhood sexual abuse and adult rape with the knowledge that the shame and guilt is not theirs, it belongs firmly in the hands of the perpetrators and those that turn a blind eye to these crimes.

1 comment:

Nico said...

This one is really really great too .. always the way i feel ... it isn't much different for men and women ... really ... except that most ppl don't believe women molest as well .. that is so sad ....


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