Sunday 19 February 2012

Through A Child's Eyes: The Shame & Guilt of Sexual Abuse

Through Child's Eyes is a video about the shame and guilt the victims of sexual abuse, molestation and sexual trauma very often experience. Why do they feel shame and guilt when they did nothing wrong? The answer lies in the unique child's eye view of the world. Victims can learn that they are not to blame, and that there is hope, that they can get better.

This video is presented as a public service by Prof. K. Elan Jung, MD, author of the new book Sexual Trauma: A Challenge Not Insanity, A Revolutionary Approach To Treatment & Recovery From Sexual Abuse and PTSD, and ,

The book, Sexual Trauma: A Challenge Not Insanity, A Revolutionary Approach To Treatment & Recovery From Sexual Abuse and PTSD, by Prof. K. Elan Jung, MD. is a revolutionary revisioning of the impact and treatment of sexual abuse, molestation and sexual trauma that gives new hope to the survivors of sexual abuse and trauma. Survivors, family members or friends, practitioners, policy makers or simply interested readers will have their sense of themselves, or of the victims of sexual abuse, molestation and sexual trauma, transformed by this book. They learn about the many famous, creative, dynamic and powerful victims of sexual abuse, people who have transformed our world. They will also learn the hows and whys of the effects of sexual abuse, how trends in therapy have not worked to the benefit of sexual trauma victims, and a new revolutionary perspective on treating sexual abuse, molestation and sexual trauma.
*About The Famous Victims of Sexual Trauma
*Why Sexual Trauma Transforms Its Victims
*How It Transforms Them
*How They Have Transformed Our World
*The How and Why of A New Therapeutic Approach

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