Saturday 5 January 2013

The Wounded Warrior hosts the January Blog Carnival Against #ChildAbuse @FromTracie

The Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse is a monthly event. Its purpose is to raise awareness about the serious issue of child abuse. All forms of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, verbal) are discussed.



A Blog Carnival is a special kind of community. Blog Carnivals collect submitted links pointing to blog posts and articles on a specific topic. It is similar to a magazine - each edition is a special blog post that contains links to all the contributions that have been submitted, often with the organizer's remarks.

The January 2013 edition of the Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse will be hosted here, at The Wounded Warrior.

The theme will be: New Beginnings 

Speaking out takes strength and courage and frequently a huge leap of faith in many ways. Some survivors remain silent most or all of their lives. Some sadly take their own lives without ever seeking help and speaking out against those who trespassed against their person and innocence.  Taking the step of breaking the silence can lead to a new life, a fresh start. 

I would like to hear about how your life has changed since you broke your own silence. This, I hope, will act as a shining light to other survivors who are still living with the bonds of silence tightly around them, choking and restricting their lives.

Let us stand together and through our own experiences extend the hand of friendship and solidarity to others who are still "living" in yesterday and not able to move forward to a bright new tomorrow. There is life after child abuse, and with help and support a new beginning is more than possible.
Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse

The carnival has previously highlighted blog posts that include: child abuse survivor stories, art and poetry, child abuse as a topic in the news media, as well as PTSD, disassociation, and other areas of abuse "aftermath" that adult survivors are forced to deal with. It also links to hopeful posts about therapy, recovery, and healing from abuse. All forms of child advocacy and awareness are included.

All of the regular categories will also be open:
-Advocacy and Awareness
-Healing and Therapy
-In the News
-Survivor Stories
-Art Therapy

The deadline for submissions is January 27th, and the carnival will be posted on the 30th. I'm looking forward to your submissions  You can submit something written especially for this edition, but please feel free to submit an older post as well.

To submit a blog post, please fill out this form.

Tracie Nall took over the running of the  Blog Carnival Against Child Abuse over two years ago. Tracie has an amazing blog, From Tracie, which can be found HERE.

About Tracie in her own words.

From Tracie is a letter from my heart to the hearts of those struggling to recover, forgive, and move on after life has left them wounded. It is also a letter filled with the laughter and joy of life because laughter truly is the best medicine! I write about my life - the joys, the pains, and everything in between.

I am married to a wonderful husband named Thomas who provides no shortage of blogging material.  We had three very different weddings (to each other!) I homeschool our daughter,Katarina, who is seven years old. We all like to wear fun shoes.  

We live in Florida, but I don't go to the beach every day and neither of us work at Disney (because I knew you were going to ask that!)  I'm 1/2 Canadian, on my Mother's side, and I am proud to be part of the first American generation of my immigrant family. 

I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.  Even though that doesn't define who I am, it changed the direction of my life. I volunteer with an inspiring group of survivors who are committed to healing and leading joyful lives.

I am a follower of Jesus. Worship is like fresh breath to me.

You will often find me singing, and sometimes dancing!

I love getting crafty.  I taught myself how to knit, and then started knitting squares to send to Africa.  Cross-stitching.  Jewelry making.  Photography (especially pictures of Yellow Joy).  My dream is to buy a lathe! (shhh...don't tell Thomas)

One time I learned how to speak elvish

I love to read, watch movies (and complain about all the ways they aren't like the book) and watch classic television.
You can also find me on Facebook....Twitter.....StumbleUpon.....Flickr.....Pinterest........or you can email me 

1 comment:

Tracie Nall said...

Thank you so much for hosting January's carnival, and for your kind words.

And Happy New Year!!


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