Saturday 5 November 2011

And death do us part

                    The trees, flowers, love, and sadness.
                    A tree flaps open its leaves to please mother nature,
                    A rose opens to breathe some fresh air.
                    A ripe fruit provides you the pleasure
                    to taste the sweetness of love.
                    The birds sing a mating song.
                    April showers, shower you with clear water from the sky.
                    A girl and a boy find their shelter from the pouring rain.
                    Love finds them, embrace finds them,
                    They spend all their days together
                    under the same tree
                    where they first met, not long ago.
                    The singing bird finds a mate,
                    He builds a home for his bride up high on the love tree
                    Which shelters from the rain.
                    While the bird and his bride,
                    The boy and the girl find love without any trouble
                    The sky was crying down on them.
                    He's trying to say, I'm hurting with a pain that aches
                    deep down to the depth of my soul.
                    I can't find any happiness on this spring day, said Sky.
                    I only see a boy and a girl under the happy tree
                    shelter from the rain.
                    They are safe from danger and never know how long
                    they will be together or tragedy arrives to destroy!
                    I warn you, please find happiness somewhere else
                    I just don't want to see tears on any ones' face,
                    And death do us part.

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