Saturday 23 March 2013

One Year On for Beyond Survivor #giveaway #childabuse #survivors #book

A year ago today my first book, Beyond Survivor - Rising From the Ashes of Childhood Sexual Abuse was published.

Books two and three are in the pipeline and I hope to get the second published later this year.

I want to thank those who have supported me and my cause to bring more awareness of the facts regarding this subject. Some have tried to silence me but have thus far failed. If my writing helps just one person then it will have been worth it. I suffered in silence and in ignorance for many many years, hopefully others will not have to endure the same.

I would like to offer this book free for the next two weeks in Kindle format. If you would like to receive a copy please email me (link is on the right of the screen).

Kindle format books can also be viewed on other devices and the download is available here free of charge.

Thank you once again. Together we can make a difference.

Ján L Frayne


Doug said...

I read it several weeks ago. it was good. I really liked it. There are a lot of books out there written by people who were abused as children. Our society has to start doing something to help these kids going through this.

Patricia Singleton said...

Wow! A year. I have seen people talking about your book on Facebook & recommending it to others just recently. It was recommended to a male survivor. I am so glad to see other men speaking about their own abuse. You are making a difference.

Anonymous said...

I was just about to download it but it's not showing up as free.

The reviews are great

Beyond Survivor said...

Thank you. It's not free in online shops, just free by mailing me as per instructions above. Drop me an email and I will gladly send you a free copy. I have been very fortunate that I have had few bad reviews. I always welcome further reviews of course!

Thank you Doug, I appreciate the feedback.

Patricia, I am forever grateful for your friendship and support.

Beyond Survivor said...

Thank you for the interest so far in my free book giveaway. I have emailed 267 copies out. If you have requested a copy and not received it please check your spam folder. If not then please drop me another email.

Thanks & Blessings


Anonymous said...

I always spent my half an hour to read this website's content all the time along with a mug of coffee.


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