Sunday 15 February 2015

Relationship Health Checks

Making the decision to take that step and ask for help with your relationship can be daunting. Finally admitting that things are not working can be quite confronting and difficult to process.
Feeling unsure about when you have reached the point to seek help is normal and quite common.
Here are 10 questions to ask yourself when considering couples counselling. If you answer ‘no’ to three or more questions, you would find significant benefits in engaging in relationship counselling.
10 Questions to ask yourself when considering relationship counselling
1. Do you and your partner communicate well?
2. Do you feel you and your partner resolve issues that come up?
3. Do you feel that you and your partner are working towards the same goals/vision?
4. Are you happy with the level of intimacy in the relationship?
5. Do you feel you and your partner are on the same page with parenting?
6. Do you know what things make your partner feel loved and cared about?
7. Do you think your partner knows what things to do in order for you to feel loved and cared about?
8. Do you feel emotionally supported by your partner?
9. Do you regularly spend quality time with your partner?
10. Are you happy in your relationship?

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