Saturday 2 May 2020

Guest Bloggers Wanted! #childabuse #survivors #csa #cse #malevictims #malesurvivors


I'm very proud of this blog. It has become a resource to others as well as being my place to share my experiences, introduce survivor friends to my audience and have the occasional rant!

 I'm looking for guest posts on the following topics.

Child Abuse
Male Survivors
Alt Therapy
Coping skills/mechanisms
Survivor Poetry

Please contact me through this blog or via Twitter @Beyond_Survivor if you are interested.

Any length of post is fine and it can be anonymous if required.

Thank you again for taking time out of your lives to read this blog and for the amazing support you give me.

Submissions can also to be sent to

Paedophiles and their supporters may not submit...

The post can be anonymous if you prefer. If you are happy to be yourself then you can also include photos, links to yourself on social media and your own website.

My aim is to make this blog a comprehensive resource for other survivors and also to promote awareness regarding all aspects of being a survivor of abuse. Speaking out and sharing our experiences is a great way to both help ourselves in our healing journey and to help others to understand us better.

Many thanks for your interest!


1 comment:

Brad Rickerby said...

Being a survivor is very lonely. Most of the people I know have no idea what it is like, how it effects me decades after the fact. And I am clearly triggered by the helplessness brought on by the current plague.


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