
Thursday, 25 October 2012

Jimmy Savile's lone visits to morgue #childabuse

TWISTED Jimmy Savile may have sexually abused CORPSES as well as kids, it emerged last night.

Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where he worked as a volunteer, launched an investigation into his unaccompanied mortuary visits.

It came as The Sun uncovered an interview in which the former BBC TV and radio host spoke of his fascination with dead bodies.

The hospital, where Savile had his own room and allegedly abused several young patients, is probing whether he had keys to the mortuary or “interacted inappropriately” with corpses.

A spokesman said: “We have been shocked to hear of the very serious allegations about Jimmy Savile. We continue to co-operate fully with the police."

“We are working closely with our staff and will support them in reporting to the police should they have any information.”

In the 1990 interview with Q magazine, Savile admitted “hanging around” the Buckinghamshire hospital into the early hours.

He told of his pleasure at being alone with the dead and even issued a bizarre unprompted denial that he was a necrophiliac — someone with a sexual attraction to corpses.

Savile, who died last year at 84, said: “One of my jobs is to take away the deceased. You can look after somebody, be alone with somebody, who has lived a whole lifetime, and I’m just saying goodbye and looking after him.

“That is a privilege and an honour. Some people get hold of the fact that Jim likes looking after cadavers and say, ‘Aha, Jim’s a necrophiliac!’ I’m not a necrophiliac.”

Savile’s out-of-the-blue denial echoed similar statements he made insisting he wasn’t a paedophile, years before any accusations were actually made.

In one documentary, Savile admitted he told interviewers he “hated” children in order to put journalists “off the hunt”.

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