
Thursday, 26 January 2012

I'll Fly Away

Never felt this way before..
Feels like an open, festering sore
Don`t want to eat or even drink
Not even going to stop and think

About those things so bad, so mad..
Regretting the loves I never had.
The love that makes me want to die
To be an angel, to learn to fly

To fly away from this world I hate
And step inside those Pearly Gates.
A place that is beyond shame and pain
To sit in the sun, not cry in the rain

When I get there I hope that they will see
Who stole my life, what was done to me.
I'll curse their putrid, perverted lives
Make lightening strike them from the skies.

I'll Fly away, leave earthly bonds and flee
There's no-one left there to worry about me.
So do not weep, be happy, I'm free at last
The pain is gone, it's all in the past.


  1. Hello wounded warrior.
    Your poem is very touching, and very familiar.It contains all the phases of the trauma of child abuse.
    I am a survivor myself, I have been through all these, I have tried to "fly" (...)
    I would write about the same, with different words, maybe.
    I thirst not for revenge, I took it.... Believe me, it feels worse.

    I love especially one line from your poem... "Regretting the Loves I never had" ... Fight and Live! (11)

  2. We were poor in a house,
    We were poorly children.
    My partner was assaulted
    while at a different school.
    She survived, and,
    I am here.
    Our kids live at home.

    "Regretting the Loves I never had"

    My kids are bigger and they live in a different house with a different dad. Their Mother is a good woman. Her abuser died of a heart attack, I was not sorry to hear.
    Fight and Live!


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