
Sunday, 4 September 2011

Take away the masks, let me keep the tears

Another oldie revisited.

Clear like water the tears flow into a silver flask,
tarnished by the indiference of the masses.
Tarnished by seeking to be more,
gaining no more than the idolaritry of the mindless,
and losing no less than the soul.
A silver flask among other silver flasks abandoned.
Lost in a sea without value,
and seen as the value of the lost.
Warming my bed with snow and frost...

The darkness that surrounds me kills.
Living for love, and kindness,
and that view of children playing on grassy hills...
Dying for compassion, for attention,
for a voice to hear my screams, which to most
seem to exist in that other dimmension
which some seem to name the void.

Rescue me from this place, this prison, this life.
This play for the gods in the stage of man,
and me playing the grain of sand on the beach,
waiting to be blessed by the touch of a wave of hope.

Give me peace. Give me justice.
Give me a pair of eyes to be lost in, a pair of legs to be wrapped in.
Give me a hint to the life I never had, and seem unable to obtain.

Take away the masks for the play, and the tarnish.
Let me keep the tears, but give me the sparkle of a smile.
Replace the frost with that landscape of a pair of eyes.
Open the doors to that lost dimmension and let me be heard.
Take away the pain. Take away the sorrow.

For today is yesterday is tomorrow...
.. and life just seems to want to stay the same.

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