
Monday, 19 September 2011

Far Away From Where We Are

If I knew how to buy some time,
far away from where we are,
where I could hold your hand in mine,
far from here, this repeated moment
where I still see the image
of your slender fingers,
feel the almost touch,
and end up forever wanting
to hold your hand in mine,
this crazy unexpected thing
this having fallen, how it feels,
and if I knew how
to go back to that night
even if
only to hold your hand in mine
I would, if I could,
go back,
to buy some time
nearer to each other,
far away
from where we are.

1 comment:

  1. We all need to learn how to fly and when we do learn how, the feeling is amazing :-)

    Have you read 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' by Richard Bach?

    It is a book of many levels and it is very inspirational.


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