
Thursday 19 January 2012

Ominous as the encroaching night

Ominous as the encroaching night
Chills of despair and hot blurring sight
Flying high the crashing kite
Wasted, burning, wickedly contrite

Lowly silence deep inside
Clawing away with each passing stride
Brightly tarnished ancient pride
All the future be denied

Sighing upon the broken dawn
Vastly stripped the naked pawn
Every value wayward worn
Stagnant be the image torn

Ocean of the salty sea
Washing clean the screaming plea
Deep inside an evil glee
A joyous past not for me

1 comment:

  1. I'm a poet and this one has brought tears to my eyes. Not just because it's so well written, but because of the cruel images that come to mind. You've used great metaphors and vocabulary. I've been wandering through your blog reading a whole lot of stuff, but haven't even nearly finished. So I've bookmarked it and I'm following you. My present blog is mostly in Spanish, but there's a lot of info in English in the sidebar. It's not specifically about child abuse. I'll be returning here. You don't need to guess hard why...I admire you a lot! Greetings from Buenos Aires.


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